Air Optix Aqua (HydraGlyde) contact lenses

Air Optix plus HydraGlyde (formerly known as O2 Optix and Air Optix Aqua) contact lenses use a groundbreaking silicon hydrogel technology to deliver up to 5x more oxygen to the eye than other contact lenses on the market. Now, your eyes will feel less tired and will help to keep eyes whiter, brighter and healthy-looking. These lenses can be used for up to 7 days and nights * or up to one month if wearing daytime. Air Optix plus HydraGlyde contact lenses are especially suitable for those who have dry eye syndrome.

* To have a maximum comfort it's recommended to remove contact lenses from the eye regularly, clean and disinfect them.

Manufacturer: Alcon 


Name Price
1 contact lens € 6.25 Select
Right eye Left eye
Power (PWR)
Radius (B.C.)
Diameter (DIA)
Product added to basket!
3 + 3 lenses % € 25.00 € 37.5 Select
Right eye Left eye
Power (PWR)
Radius (B.C.)
Diameter (DIA)
Product added to basket!
3 + 3 lenses + BioTwin 360ml % € 30.00 € 47.45 Select
Right eye Left eye
Power (PWR)
Radius (B.C.)
Diameter (DIA)
Product added to basket!
6 + 6 lenses % € 50.00 € 75 Select
Right eye Left eye
Power (PWR)
Radius (B.C.)
Diameter (DIA)
Product added to basket!
6 + 6 lenses + 2 BioTwin 360ml % € 60.00 € 94.9 Select
Right eye Left eye
Power (PWR)
Radius (B.C.)
Diameter (DIA)
Product added to basket!


Delivery time In stock
Manufacturer Alcon
Wear schedules Extended wear
Material Lotrafilcon B
Water content 33%
DK/L, DK/T 138
Recommended replacement One month
Center thickness, mm 0.08

Optometrist's recommendations

Sarmīte Gžibovska

The optometrist

It is known that eyes are the most important receiver of information and the main thing is to have them healthy. If you want to manage to do everything in your life, you are physically active, prompt, in a hurry, if you are using computer, touch screen phone, e-book or tablet, then my choice for you is the contact lenses AIR Optic!

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