PureVision 2 HD contact lenses

PureVision 2 from Baush & Lomb are the latest extended wear silicone hydrogel contact lenses. The slim form does not detract from keeping them comfortable and breathable throughout the day. Lenses are designed to reduce spherical aberration across the entire power range and provide clear and sharp vision and a special surface maintains moisture and reduces deposit formation on lenses so lenses can be worn for up to 30 days without having to remove them from the eye. * The latest ComfortMoist™ technology has been used to provide comfort from the moment of insertions all day long, and the thin and rounded edges of the lens improves tear circulation which protects, nourishes, moistures and cleans the cornea.

PureVision 2 made ​​of a material suitable for the modern lifestyle, work at the computer, rooms with air conditioning and are especially suitable for anyone who wear contact lenses at flexible regime - day and continuously, working at nights or in low light.

* To have a maximum comfort it's recommended to remove contact lenses from the eye regularly, clean and disinfect them.


Name Price
1 contact lens € 7.25 Select
Right eye Left eye
Power (PWR)
Radius (B.C.)
Diameter (DIA)
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3 + 3 lenses % € 35.00 € 43.5 Select
Right eye Left eye
Power (PWR)
Radius (B.C.)
Diameter (DIA)
Product added to basket!
3 + 3 lenses + BioTwin 360ml % € 40.00 € 53.45 Select
Right eye Left eye
Power (PWR)
Radius (B.C.)
Diameter (DIA)
Product added to basket!
6 + 6 lenses % € 70.00 € 87 Select
Right eye Left eye
Power (PWR)
Radius (B.C.)
Diameter (DIA)
Product added to basket!
6 + 6 lenses + 2 BioTwin 360ml % € 80.00 € 106.9 Select
Right eye Left eye
Power (PWR)
Radius (B.C.)
Diameter (DIA)
Product added to basket!


Delivery time In stock
Manufacturer Bausch & Lomb
Wear schedules Extended wear
Material Balafilcon A (silicone hydrogel)
Water content 36%
DK/L, DK/T 130
Recommended replacement One month
Center thickness, mm 0.07

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